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jueves, 11 de marzo de 2010

The Mind.

This is an activity for English Level 4. Unit 9
It is about the memories and mind...
In the activity I talk about memories of when I was a child.

As a child, I lived with my family. They are my mom, my dad, my grandparents, my three sisters and my brother. We are a small family.
We lived in a big house with a beautiful garden, was a childhood full of joy, games, friendship and fun.
In this way, I remember my childhood, there are some sad memories, one of them is when a high school friend lost his father. And there we were united at that time the group of friends. That was in senior year.
I remember my parents every morning I woke early and accompanied me to school.
I always remember my brother and I slept together almost every night, after spending all day playing.
My grandparents have always been and will be the example of the family, I always remember with great respect, admiration and love. They were always with us at every birthday, every celebration, in the sad times and each time I needed them.
My mom always cooked my favorite dish. I liked to eat mashed potatoes. But sometimes my mother remembers that time and I cook what I like.
Recalling pleasant moments come to mind my friends and classmates. Thank God I still have contact with them, the friendship was maintained over time, although we're not kids. Now we are professionals, mothers, fathers and we keep the beautiful memories we will never forget.
Today, when I see my daughter with her toys, I remember my wrists, my Barbie, my teddy bear, and all my toys I never wanted to give my sisters.
As for the music in those days of my childhood, I remember the clown Popy friend of children, and also remember Enrique and Anna After I got older and Karina and I liked Roberto Antonio, I remember all the songs and were the best to dance.
My school was one of the best, I studied the primary in the School National Máximo Arteaga Perez. Then I completed my secondary education at the Escuela Técnica Comercial “Francisco Jose Duarte”, I had the best teachers and professors from whom. I learned many good things and that's why I have such fond memories.
My holidays were always very special, usually traveled to several cities, cold climate, like Merida, Trujillo. I also really liked going to the beach.

This task in particular reminded me a lot of important things that were not in my mind, moments that will always remember with love.

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